Technological Unemployment: A Bibliometric Perspective on Job Displacement and Innovation
Roshan Kumar1 and Shakti Kant Sharma2
1Research Scholar, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Email:
2Research Scholar, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Email:
Technological advances, especially in AI and robots, have affected labour markets, raising concerns about technological unemployment. This research systematically analyses technological unemployment literature, focussing on how developing technologies affect employment dynamics, income inequality, and job displacement. Through descriptive, network, coupling, and cluster methodologies, the research reveals crucial themes like the complicated relationship between innovation and employment, AI’s dual impact on productivity and inequality, and the need for effective educational and governmental solutions. The study uses Vos-Viewer to analyse publication trends, citation networks, and theme clusters in 124 Scopus publications. The paper divides research into six clusters. Key findings show that technology development displaces some occupations but generates others, while the advantages are not universal. Job polarisation, pay inequality, and educational reform are major concerns. The research emphasises the need to balance technological benefits with worker protections and offers a holistic strategy to technological unemployment that includes policy and educational improvements.
Keywords: Technological unemployment, Job displacement, Labour Markets, AI and robots, Bibliomatric perspective
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