Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies

(A Quarterly Review of Development and Management Trends)

A National Journal Indexed in the UGC-CARE List

Countering Jobless Growth and Unemployment Through Meaningful Entrepreneurship Education

Poonam Magu1

1Associate Professor, Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi, F - 4, Haus Khas Enclave, New Delhi, Email: pmagu_65@yahoo.com


Entrepreneurship is a highly valued activity, widely promoted by governments in developing economies due to its potential to create jobs and reduce the negative impacts of unemployment and a 'jobless' economy. In order to inspire young people to start their own venture, it is essential to first cultivate an entrepreneurial intent—whether for immediate action or in the future. In this process education plays a crucial role. This paper examines the entrepreneurial intentions of students nearing graduation who have studied one paper of entrepreneurship in their final year. The findings reveal that while most students are not inclined to start a business right away, 62 per cent are interested in pursuing entrepreneurship at some point in the future.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship intent (EI), Entrepreneurial education (EE), Jobless economy, Unemployment




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