Beyond Business: Mapping the CSR and Sustainable Development Initiatives of TATA Steel
Anirudh Prasad, Sudeep Kumar
Published By :
Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, 2016ISBN :
81-904112-8-4About the book
“Beyond Business: Mapping the CSR and Sustainable Development Initiatives of TATA Steel” is perhaps the first empirically researched book in India. Industrial houses motivated by profit maximization may not spend adequate amount on CSR and sustainable development practices in true sense. Tatas, being one of the leading industrialists world over, are known for their philanthropic activities. They, by and large, are guided by the ‘Tata ethos’; the Tata code of conduct; and the praxis of the Articles of Association, which commonly state that a large part of the profits made by the company is utilized for the benefits of the citizens of the land. Using data collected through field work and case study methods from the four different operational zones of the company, namely: Jamshedpur Saraikela-Kharsawan; Noamundi; Ghato (West Bokaro); and Jamadoba (Jharia) in Jharkhand, the authors have attempted to unfold the CSR mystique including the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings as practiced by the Company in terms of its CSR and sustainable development approaches. This book also documents the conflicting views, values, and ontological assumptions on the subject matter as perceived by the cross-section of actors of the study area. The study is designed to serve as an introduction for future scholarly works.